Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
On Endless Road of Devotion to People

Politics 2024.8.23.

Warrior Costumes Convey His Loving Care


What draws attention of visitors at the Mirim Riding Club is not only the looks of horse-riding people but also those who have pictures taken in warrior costumes.

Such costumes are associated with the attentive love of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The following happened in June ten years ago when he visited the Mirim Riding Club.

Hung on a stand in the central hall of the riding service center were several suits of riding clothes with armors that can be seen in the history museum.

At that time, an official told the respected General Secretary that those were newly-made warrior costumes of the Koguryo period according to his instructions, adding that young people liked very much.

Noting that he was pleased to hear that young people were feeling happy, he examined carefully those armors glittered with golden and silver colors, helmets and leather boots similar to those in the period of Koguryo as well as the then weapons including spears and swords.

Being informed of the fact from the official that children would want the warrior costumes that appear on the cartoon film "Boy General", the respected General Secretary wore a broad smile on his face and instructed to send several suits of warrior dresses to the club.

The officials were so moved looking up to the noble image of the respected General Secretary who regards the people’s delight and the rising generations’ bright future as his great pleasure.


Sense of Duty He Implanted Deeply


It was January 1 in Juche 104(2015).

The respected General Secretary visited the Pyongyang Baby Home and Orphanage just after wishing the families throughout the country would overflow with warm affection and our lovely children would have a brighter future in his New Year address in the morning.

That day he gave New Year blessings to the children and paid special attention to nursing and educating orphans.

Saying that the officials of the baby home and orphanage should bring up the orphans well from their childhood so that they can possess right morality, he stressed as follows:

All the nurses and teachers should have good qualities as educators as well as motherly warm love and, in other words, they must become genuine mother and educator of the orphans.

Looking at the officials, he warmly said that man must receive right education from childhood as there is a saying that habit is a second nature, adding that they should educate well the orphans to properly keep the courtesy and morality in all realms of life.

That day the officials, nurses and educators of the baby home and orphanage deeply kept in their mind the sense of duty indicated by the respected General Secretary and made a determination to bring up the orphans with the motherly affection and sense of responsibility.

Rodong Sinmun