Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Chol Pass, Symbol of Songun Revolutionary Leadership

Politics 2024.8.25.

August 25 is a significant day when Chairman Kim Jong Il started his first leadership over the revolutionary armed forces.

On this occasion, our people recollect with deep emotion the immortal exploits of the Chairman who made a long journey of Songun (military first) revolution for safeguarding the destiny of the country and people during the Arduous March.

Among the symbols of the Songun revolutionary leadership conveying the history of his devotion is Chol Pass kept deep in mind of our people.

Chol Pass is a rugged mountain road of ninety-nine curves, which covers 80 ri in total ascending and descending.

And it is more famous for a witness of the annals of the Songun revolution.

The Chairman in his lifetime went over the pass more than ten times rain or shine for the beloved country and people.

Therefore, our people still remember his instructions that he continued the Songun revolutionary leadership without rest while inspecting the frontline units of the Korean People’s Army through Chol Pass and this is why he called the pass the symbol of Songun revolutionary leadership.

He made a ceaseless front journey braving the rough ridgeways and seaways of the country, with the noble will of defending the country and ardent love for and trust in soldiers.

Thanks to his tireless devoted efforts, the country’s defence line could be firmly cemented and our country could emerge victorious one after another in the fierce showdown with imperialists amid the world-startling consecutive striking miracles in every nook and corner of the country.

Once, looking at the high and steep mountains ranges for a long while, the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un thought of the Chairman who had frequently crossed Chol Pass.

And he warmly said that he has regarded the frontline defended by soldiers as his courtyard; we, all together, should not let the Chairman’s devotion be wasted.

Indeed, the sacred Chol Pass which tells the traces and exploits of the Chairman’s patriotic devotion is glorified as a symbol of defending the country and a symbol of Songun revolutionary leadership.

Rodong Sinmun