Sep. 14,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
DPRK’s History of Self-reliance
Yongil Bomb Made with Empty Hands


The tradition of self-reliance in our country was created in the period of anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung.

In the early days he embarked on the road of revolution, the President put forward a slogan "Arms are our lifeblood! Arms for arms!" and set forth a task of wresting weapons from the enemy to arm oneself while making arms by one’s own efforts.

True to his intention, the Korean revolutionaries armed themselves by wresting weapons from the enemy everywhere and manufactured weaponry by their own efforts to fight against the aggressors.

Among them is a bomb made by the guerrilla arsenal members under the guidance of the President during the anti-Japanese armed struggle.

When the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA) was formed in April Juche 21 (1932), the greatest bottleneck in the struggle against the enemies was the lack of weapons capable of annihilating many enemies en masse.

At that time, a hand grenade was the most powerful weapon.

The President decided to produce hand grenades by the KPRA’s efforts and made sure that a small ironworks was built in Macun of the Xiaowangqing guerrilla zone. This ironworks with simple blacksmith’s tools was recorded in the history later as the Macun Arsenal or the Xiaowangqing Arsenal.

Arsenals in guerrilla zones like the Xiaowangqing Arsenal turned out bombs by manufacturing gunpowder, in hearty response to the President’s call for displaying self-reliance to repair weapons and make gunpowder and hand grenades.

The power of this bomb known as Yongil bomb was great. One bomb was powerful enough to wipe out tens of enemies in a barrack.

The Yongil bomb, whose name struck terror into the enemy, greatly contributed to enhancing the combat strength of the KPRA.

Rodong Sinmun