Sep. 15,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Fragrance of Socialist Life


Invitation Cards to Pensioners


One day last July, Choe Tong Un and Kim Won Gun, pensioners residing respectively in neighborhood-unit No. 38 of Paekhak-dong and neighborhood-unit No. 40 of Sonbong-dong, Sonbong District, Rason Municipality, received invitation cards unexpectedly from the Sonbong District Construction Brigade.

In the invitation cards, they were specially invited to the brigade on the occasion of the V-day.

Reading the invitation cards, they pictured the place of work and the faces of their comrades they hadn’t forgotten even after retirement.

They were filled with gratitude toward the officials and employees of the brigade who still remembered them, who had worked with them before retirement.

When they visited the construction brigade after a few days, they were greatly touched by the employees’ hospitality.

From the meeting with employees and the feast the officials had prepared for them, they keenly felt the deep care the officials took of them to let them lead a proud life even in their later years.

That day, they made up their minds to do their best for the benevolent society in which the respect for the elders has become one of the main traits.


Harmonious Neighbors


A few days ago, Kim Ok Sun, head of the neighborhood-unit No. 13 of Kyogu-dong, Central District, and other residents visited Cha Yong Hui, one of their neighbors.

They heard that Cha didn’t feel well so they brought with them various foods for her.

Cha was greatly touched by their warm-heartedness.

There are many other stories about these harmonious neighbors.

They prepared meaningful souvenirs and special foods for neighbors whose children were to join the army, shared sorrow and helped as one when neighbors suffered a misfortune, provided tonics for the daughter-in-law of a neighbor who had had a baby and took care of a neighbor who was in hospital.

The more their harmony grows, the bigger their happiness and pride get. They won the honor of the Thrice July 11 Red Flag Neighborhood-unit of Loyalty in this process.

The ordinary life of the neighbors also reflects the genuine features of our society full of excellent morality and tender feelings.


Their Sincerity Devoted to Boarders 


It was a few days ago.

The hostel of the mother tree nursery work-team under the Jungsan County Forestry Management Station was brightly lit for a long time.

It was because officials of the forest management station including its manager Ri Hyo Il called on boarders.

It was an unbreakable daily task of the officials to visit the hostel and solve the knotty problems.

That is why the boarders were regarding them as real parents.

That day, too, the officials inquired in detail whether they had any inconvenience in their life and health while giving daily necessaries to them.

Once they gave a boarder who was in serious illness precious medicines, which they had prepared to treat themselves, and were so concerned for preparing a liberal table for them.

The light was not turned off at the hostel till late at night as if it conveyed our life beautiful with love and affection.

Rodong Sinmun