Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
By Conducting Mass-based Technical Innovation Movement

Culture 2024.9.5.

By Rousing Voluntary Enthusiasm


Officials of the Caustic Soda Workshop of the February 8 Vinalon Complex give priority to solving the arising problems by rousing the masses’ voluntary enthusiasm in technical innovation.

Take the manufacture of equipment needed for the caustic soda production for instance.

Kim Myong Guk, the workshop head, and other officials decided to manufacture the equipment on their own with the aim of further heightening the masses’ zeal and strengthening their own talent force.

The workshop organized a technical force with technicians and skilled workers and pushed ahead with the manufacture of the equipment on a full scale.

Its party organization paid special attention to ensuring the conditions with precedence given to ideological work for giving full play to their mental strength.

As a result, the equipment was successfully manufactured.

The officials put forward those who had taken part in the equipment manufacture and gave them preferential treatment on the occasion of the monthly production summing-up.

By doing so, they encouraged the voluntary enthusiasm of other employees.

They won the honor of a Thrice Model Technical Innovation Unit in the course of conducting the work to rouse the masses’ voluntary enthusiasm with good methods.


Through Substantial Prize Contests


Officials of the Moranbong Building Parts Production Station set personal examples in participating in the prize contest in order to elevate the employees’ zeal for technical innovation, mindful that technical innovation is the shortcut to a leap forward.

They made an effective use of their spare time to learn hard and tried to understand the principles of the development of new building parts while solving the arising problems one by one in close contact with the education and science research institution.

The employees take an active part in technical innovation, seeing their manager personally solving sci-tech problems related to the development of colored mortar manufacturing technology.

The officials let the employees make redoubled efforts through various kinds of evaluation.

They see to it that every employee presents a worthy technical innovation plan, that the plans are examined in a serious and strict manner and that the selected ones are put into practice as soon as possible.

The successes they have made this year are unthinkable apart from the working traits of the officials who are arranging prize contests in a rational way.

The production station, which won the honor of a Model Technical Innovation Unit, puts spurs to preparations for the production of a variety of quality building parts while organizing prize contests in a substantial manner.


Focusing Their Efforts on Strengthening Talent Forces


The Anbyon Youth Power Station, putting efforts into strengthening talent forces, stokes up fierce flame of mass-based technical innovation movement.

The manager of the power station Choe Myong Chol and other officials focused their efforts on mapping out watertight lecture plans and made higher demand on the lecturers for making good preparation for lecture.

As a result, the enthusiasm of employees for solving the problems arising in production on their own got high and worthful technical innovations were introduced successively. The Anbyon Youth Power Station thereupon was honored with the title of Model Technical Innovation Unit.

Now, the officials of the power station, mindful of the significance and importance of the technical study in strengthening its own talent forces, put primary effort into organizing technical study in a substantial way.

Rodong Sinmun