Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
Precious Title and Great Trust

Politics 2024.9.12.

Defenders of Lifeline of Revolution


In September, Juche 99(2010), the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un met an official in the field of revolutionary history and relics of the Korean People’s Army.

After giving instructions one by one concerning the problems arising in the field, the respected General Secretary stressed the importance of education through revolutionary relics and said with affection that those in the field of revolutionary history and relics are defenders of the revolutionary traditions, the lifeline of our revolution, and inheritors of the baton of the revolution.

The official was wrapped in excitement.

His teachings reminded the official of the importance of education through revolutionary relics which is directly related to the future of the country and the mission of the officials in this sector.

That day, the respected General Secretary emphasized that the officials in the field of revolutionary history and relics should devote their wisdom and passion to exalting the leadership exploits of our Party, mindful of the Party’s trust and expectations.

The teachings of the respected General Secretary, who puts it forward as the most important of all revolutionary affairs to safeguard and add glory to the revolutionary traditions of our Party, inspire all the officials in the field of revolutionary history and relics to fulfill their responsibility and mission in steadfastly carrying forward the lifeline of revolution.


Kernel of the Hardcore


In March, Juche 106(2017), the respected General Secretary made time to visit the remodeled Korean Revolution Museum.

That day, he said meaningfully that the officials and lecturers of the museum have rendered distinguished services in handing over the baton of revolution in every period of our revolution.

The officials and lecturers felt a lump in their throats.

They just did their part in teaching the Party members and working people the immortal revolutionary history and exploits of our Party.

However, the respected General Secretary highly praised them out of great trust and expectations for them.

Presently, the respected General Secretary said that our Party adds much importance to the Korean Revolution Museum and trusts its officials and lecturers as the kernel of the hardcore, and continued:

Officials and lecturers in the field of revolutionary history and relics are revolutionaries safeguarding the revolutionary history and exploits of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and our Party’s revolutionary history, and core members explaining and disseminating the brilliant revolutionary history of our Party.

Indeed, the respected General Secretary places endless trust in the officials and lecturers in the field of revolutionary history and relics and bestows unsparing love on them.

Rodong Sinmun