Sep. 20,Juche 113 (2024) Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
Persons Awarded Priceless Titles by Country


Kim Chol Man, Merited Designer


Many people in our country devote their wisdom and enthusiasm to patriotic work to put the country’s metallurgical industry on a higher stage. Among them is Kim Chol Man, director of the Steel Design Institute under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry.

When he entered the design world 30-odd years ago, a veteran designer said to him as follows; A designer should seriously approach even a dot, line or a sign. When he fails to draw it correctly, precious property of the country may be squandered and lots of manpower and time be wasted.

Keeping in his mind the saying of the veteran designer, Kim has made his efforts for completing the assigned designs true to the Party’s intention. After he was appointed as the director of the institute he actively took part in the main construction design and overhaul design of furnaces to be built at various factories and enterprises and brought forward more than 10 technical inventions. He also attended the national sci-tech festivals and was highly appreciated.

Meanwhile, he was awarded the state commendations several times. Furthermore, he attended the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea and had a souvenir photo taken with the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

Last year, he participated in the technical renovation of the energy-saving oxygen heat blast furnace of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex. He was honored with the title of Merited Designer on the occasion of the auspicious April holiday this year as he made a great contribution to establishing the new Juche-based steel-making system.

Even today he continues to cover the road of pioneering in order to repay the great love and trust of the Party with significant sci-tech success.


Ryu Sun Son, Merited Film Distributor  


Ryu Sun Son has been working as a technical examiner of the Pyongyang Municipality Film Bureau for over 50-odd years from her girlhood. She is a Meritorious Person of Socialist Patriotism and a merited film distributor respected and followed by all people.

She started social life as a film inspector after graduating from a middle school and since then, she has devoted her pure conscience to managing film, a precious cultural asset of the country.

In those days, she presented 20-odd valuable technical innovation proposals for successful film distribution and invented and introduced equipment for prolonging the life of film by herself to greatly increase the number of screening, thus bringing a considerable benefit to the state.

Later she, despite her sick body, visited the leading power production bases of the country, coal mines, rural areas and other sectors of the national economy with heavy equipment on her back to inspire officials, Party members and other working people to the drive for implementing the Party’s policies.

In those days of defending the post entrusted to her by the Party for decades without any slightest selfishness and a change of mind, she was awarded a gold ring bearing the august name of Chairman Kim Jong Il and was honored with the title of Merited Film Distributor in May 2008.

And she attended several national meetings including the national meeting of officials in the field of film distribution and had a great honor of having a photo taken with the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

She is nearly seventy, but she is still covering the road of loyalty and patriotism with the awareness and pride of being an outpost of the Party ideological front, always remembering the great trust and expectation of the Party which put forward the life of an ordinary woman worker as a model to be followed by everyone.


Han Chol Hun, Merited Scientist 


Dr. and Associate Professor Han Chol Hun, a researcher and merited scientist of the Global Environmental Information Institute under the State Academy of Sciences, has lived with something kept in mind for decades since he made his first step into scientific research.

When Han graduated from a university, his father, an educator, was pleased to see another university graduator in their family in the period when the country was experiencing difficulties. And then he earnestly asked Han not to forget the benevolence of the Party and the state which had brought up, taught and put forward with much effort even for a moment.

He has lived preciously, deeply cherishing his father’s request. Whenever he felt tired and difficult, he strove to produce his creations, recollecting his father’s request and his duty of a scientist for the country.

He has made many achievements of state significance at the large hydroelectric power stations, reservoirs and tideland construction, etc.

But he has not been contented with such successes.

It is his outlook on life that he has nothing more to wish for repaying the benevolence of Party and state which brought up and put him forward by devoting his wisdom and zeal entirely.

In those days, he received dozens of certificates of science and technology and trained 11 doctors and masters.

In December 2014, the motherland put him forward as a merited scientist.

He was awarded a watch commendation bearing the august name of President Kim Il Sung and had the honor of having a photo taken with the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un at the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Even now Han is devoting himself to scientific research with such extraordinary pride and honor.

Rodong Sinmun