Oct. 12,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Rich Fruit of Patriotic Sweat and Sincerity


The news of rich harvest has been heard one after another at rural communities in the DPRK vibrant with the implementation of the programme for the rural revolution in the new era.

The Kangan Farm in Unpha County and the Wolam Farm in Kumchon County, North Hwanghae Province have produced high yield.

The farms, which had taken the last place on the standings of grain output in the province in the past, produced one more ton of grain per-hectare on an average and over-fulfilled the state grain production plans.

The units, which had fallen behind, worked hard to finish harvesting and threshing and displayed first the peasant music of rich harvest. This is a clear proof of the validity and vitality of the agricultural policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea in the new era and a precious fruition made by the patriotic devotion of the agricultural workers who dedicated their sweat and efforts to farming all the year round with a single mind to uphold the socialist country with rice.

Officials of the agricultural guidance organs in the province, true to the Party’s idea and spirit of comprehensive national rejuvenation, conducted a meticulous farming operation and command with the main emphasis on increasing the per-hectare yield not only on specific farms but also on all farms.

The Kangan Farm powerfully conducted organizational and political work to encourage all the officials and farmers to turn out in increased grain production, bearing in mind their duty as the masters of the rural revolution by conducting education through the leadership exploits of the Party.

It worked out detailed plans for each farming process from a scientific and innovative viewpoint and conducted effective dissemination of agricultural science and technology to encourage the primary officials and farmers to study advanced science and technology and farming methods hard and actively apply them to farming.

The farm directed primary efforts to realigning the land, improving the fertility of soil and improving the irrigation system while raising the proportion of mechanization in farming and introducing rational water management and fertilization methods to provide a guarantee for high and stable yield.

The Wolam Farm, too, firmly took hold of the five elements of agricultural development and made low-yielding farm fields fertile with a lot of organic manure and arranged the distribution of varieties on the principle of the right crop on the right soil and the right crop at the right time.

It properly ensured the number of bunches per field, took measures to prevent damage by harmful insects and actively introduced advanced farming methods to increase the per-1000-grain weight.

The farms conducted a vigorous socialist patriotic movement and revolutionary mass movement to attain the goal of grain production and ensured the full operation of farm machines, thus finishing rice harvesting, rice-sheaf carrying and threshing in a short span of time.

There took place meetings for year-end account settlement and income distribution.

The officials and working people of the farms expressed their determination to bring about a rich harvest every year by achieving stable and sustained development of grain production with the indomitable patriotic enthusiasm and the might of science and technology on the basis of the successes and experience gained in this year’s farming.

Rodong Sinmun