Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Gratitude to Motherly Party for Its Childcare Policy

Culture 2024.3.17.

Whistle of Vehicles Carrying Dairy Products


I can hardly repress my deep impression whenever I hear the whistle of vehicles carrying dairy products in the compound of our factory.

In June three years ago, the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un saw to it that the Third Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee established it as a Party’s policy to supply all the children across the country with nourishing food including dairy products at the state’s expense saying that the period of nursery and kindergarten is the most important age in the children’s growth and development.

At that time not only women employees but also all other employees were moved by the great loving care of the General Secretary.

So, mothers are very glad to see their children taking dairy products and getting stronger. It seems that the whistle of the vehicles carrying dairy products encourages the employees of the factory to increase production.

It is the unanimous will of the employees of the factory to do more work for the country and motherly Party taking care of them.

Kim Son Hui, weaver at the Weaving Shop No.1 of Silk-spinning Combined Shop of Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill


Record Books Showing Children’s Happiness


The babies of our factory’s nursery have record cards on supply of dairy products like all the children in the period of nursery and kindergarten of the country. The cards read the amounts of supplied dairy products, the dates and signs of nurses.

Even the hospitalized children have the record cards on supply of dairy products.

Nurses have record books on supply of dairy products and children have their record cards.

Record cards for children and record books for nurses about the supply of dairy products show the advantages of our socialist system where the state and the Party spare nothing for the children.

Whenever I open the record book, I redouble my determination to devote myself to nursing children upheld as “king of the country”, always remembering the motherly Party’s benevolence.

Choe Pun Hui, nurse at Sindo General Nursery of Sindo County


Proud and Honorable Work


Not long ago, there appeared a supply room of dairy products in our dong office thanks to a benevolent step by the motherly Party. Such fact can be seen nowhere, except our country.

That day, I was appointed as supplier of dairy products.

Thanks to the benevolence of the respected General Secretary supply rooms of dairy products and suppliers appeared in the dong offices.

Whenever seeing bright faces of children, I think that my job as a dairy products supplier is the most proud and honorable one and make up my mind to fulfill my duty.

Jo Mi Ok, head of Neighborhood Unit 30 at Jongbaek-dong No.2 in Rangnang District