Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Enlarged Plenary Meetings of WPK Committees of Ministries and National Agencies Held

Politics 2024.7.17.

The enlarged plenary meetings of the Committees of the Workers’ Party of Korea of the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Land and Maritime Transport, the Pyongyang Construction Commission, the State Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports were held from July 11 to 14 to implement the decisions of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK.

Present at the plenary meetings were members and alternate members of the Party committees of the relevant units and, as observers, officials concerned.

The plenary meetings analyzed and reviewed the work of the first half of the year for implementing the decisions of the Eighth Party Congress and the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK, and discussed measures for carrying out the tasks facing the sectors and units in the second half of the year on the basis of the guidelines for struggle set forth at the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK.

Reports were made at the plenary meetings.

The reporters said that the orientation of advance and the policies of struggle set forth at the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK serve as an immortal great programme leading the whole Party and all the people to great victory.

The reporters called on all Party organizations and officials to fully discharge their role as organizers arousing all the party members and other working people to the struggle for implementing the plan and determination of the Party Central Committee and to dynamically guide the struggle for the successful implementation of the fighting programme of the Party.

The plenary meetings raised the tasks and ways facing the Party organizations at all levels in carrying out the policy tasks for this year perfectly.

The plenary meetings stressed the need for all the officials to intensify Party guidance with the main emphasis on improving the method and style of work and making them remain unfailingly faithful to their duties.

Speeches were made at the plenary meetings.

The plenary meetings adopted additional decisions worked out amid the enthusiasm of the participants to carry out the party decisions for their sectors and units.

Rodong Sinmun