Oct. 19, 2024 Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
On Road for Developing Science and Technology of Country

Politics 2024.4.29.

Important Issue He Stressed On


The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited a machine plant in June Juche 102(2013).

Going round a workshop, the General Secretary asked if there is a network for receiving data on manufacturing of machines and equipment in the plant.

An official replied that a relevant unit sends some data to the plant.

After thinking for a while, the General Secretary said he would send all data on manufacturing of machines and equipment produced by the plant.

He stressed the need to show the workers manufacturing machines and equipment the latest sci-tech data and videos on results of failing to raise the efficiency so that they can improve the efficiency of machines and equipment and qualitatively manufacture them.

Listening to his instructions, the officials understood again that sci-tech research is the work for all of the employees, not for some specified persons.

At that time, an official said that he would let the employees read data on manufacturing of machines and equipment at the e-library.

Then the General Secretary said that a sci-tech learning space should be erected at the plant.

The instructions he gave that day carry the deep meaning that greater successes will be achieved when training the workers into those possessing modern science and technology.


Strong Core Unit of Revolution


One February day in Juche 106(2017) the respected General Secretary inspected new facilities developed by scientists and technicians of the State Academy of Sciences.

After inspecting a facility, he highly praised the scientists and technicians who manufactured the facility badly needed for the people’s living which is better than foreign products in all aspects.

The accompanying officials were deeply impressed by his high appreciation.

The General Secretary gave precious teachings to them and added that the scientists and technicians are the strong core unit, pivotal force of our revolution.

The strong core unit, pivotal force of our revolution!

It is the call reflecting his great trust in and expectation for the scientists and technicians opening up the shortcut to the socialist powerful country with science and technology.

Our scientists and technicians under the benevolent bosom of the peerlessly great man are happiest in the world, indeed.

Rodong Sinmun