Mar. 7, 2025 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
High Spirit of Advancing toward Victorious Conclusion of This Year

Economy 2024.11.13.

Successive Innovations Made in Fertilizer Production


Officials and workers of the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex are bringing about an unprecedented surge in production.

In November they have registered a high production result every day since the start of the gasification process. As a result, they have produced thousands of more tons of fertilizer than scheduled.

True to the Party’s policy of increasing fertilizer production with the coal as raw material in our country, the workers of Hungnam put spurs to the production of fertilizer by anthracite gasification this year, too.

The officials, under the guidance of the Party organization of the complex, conducted a revolutionary operation and command for operating the expanded fertilizer production process at full capacity.

In particular, they introduced technical innovation proposals capable of increasing the production capacity of the ammonia compounding tower by pooling their creative wisdom with technicians and workers and ensured normalization of production by raising the operation rate of gas generators.

This year, too, the fertilizer producers in Hungnam rose to sending more fertilizer to the socialist countryside and constantly updated technical indices in each process, bringing about a surge in production. As a result, they over-fulfilled the fertilizer supply plan for the manuring year ahead of schedule in June.

They have turned out in the drive to brilliantly decorate this year with more proud fruition.

In the second half of the year, they conducted a more vigorous socialist emulation among units and operated every production process at full capacity.

Workers and technicians of the synthetic and gas-cleaning workshops have registered high results day by day through close ties between processes. The producers of the nitrogen shop No.2 have also made a responsible inspection of equipment to positively contribute to carrying out the plan.

Their enthusiasm for increased production is getting higher with the approach of the year-end.


A Million Square Meters of More Tile Produced Than Last Year 


The laudable feats were performed at the Chollima Tile Factory.

Its yearly national economic plan was over-fulfilled by 109.5 percent as of Nov. 11, the equivalent of having produced a million square meters more of tile than last year. It is a precious fruition brought about by the warm patriotic loyalty of its workers and technicians.

The factory Party organization set the high target to glorify this year marking the 10th anniversary of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s field guidance at the factory and aroused officials, workers and technicians to its implementation.

The senior officials of the factory conducted the frontline-style political work in a progressive way to kindle the fierce flame of creating new standard and new record. Meanwhile, they solved the problems arising in its current production and readjustment and reinforcement on their own by putting great efforts into strengthening the role of talents.

Amid the vigorous mass-based technical innovation movement all the workshops and workteams achieved the innovative successes in production successively to break through the stereotyped idea.

Technicians of the industrial laboratory and skilled workers of various workshops waged a campaign to raise the proportion of locally available raw materials and improve the quality of the products by pooling their creative wisdom and efforts.

Now, all the officials, workers and technicians make constant innovations and continued progress in order to create another new record this year by surpassing the peak-year level which has been renewed annually for three years after the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea.


Remodeling and Modernization Project Promoted Actively 


Officials and working class of the Jonchon Rock-drill Factory make continuous efforts to complete readjustment and reinforcement of production foundation upholding the decisions of the 9th and 10th plenary meetings of the 8th Party Central Committee.

According to the summed data, the factory has promoted the remodeling and modernization project at the stage of 80 percent.

The remodeling and modernization project of the Jonchon Rock-drill Factory is of important significance in increasing the productivity of the mining industrial field on a stable basis.

Since the outset of this year the officials and working class of the factory have waged a vigorous struggle to modernize the overall production processes.

During those days unexpected difficulties blocked them up; however, they and the shock brigade members dispatched to the flood-stricken areas made cooperative efforts to remove the sign of disasters in the shortest span of time.

Now, the factory pushes ahead with the exterior and interior project of 20-odd production buildings and cultural and welfare establishments at final stage.

Meanwhile, they vigorously conduct the work of modernizing overall production processes and creating new products.

They are devoting their patriotic efforts and enthusiasm in order to complete the remodeling and modernization project within this year without fail.

Rodong Sinmun