Mar. 9, 2025 Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Researches for Boosting Grain Output Intensified in DPRK

Culture 2024.12.20.

The Academy of Agricultural Science in the DPRK intensifies researches to increase the grain production.

Wheat, barley and strains institutes under the academy are putting spurs to the cultivation of a strain of winter wheat with much gluten, whose per-hectare yield is high, and other high-yielding tasty and quality strains growing well despite the unfavourable environment.

The Institute of Agro-chemicalization improved the function of seed-covering material "Phungnyonmo 1" and is now making preparations for its mass production.

The Dry-field Crop Research Institute and other research institutes developed a technology of raising sweet potatoes with much sugar and high per-hectare yield, even in winter with stems and sprouts. They are now striving to produce millions of the seedlings for all city and county raw material bases of the country.

Rodong Sinmun