Envisioning Rosy Future in Excitement
Ten-odd days have passed since the groundbreaking ceremony of the Kusong City Hospital was held.
But a feeling of excitement still remains in my mind.
People may know well that it requires much labour to build modern public health facilities.
The respected General Secretary
And his warm loving care moved us, the local people, to tears.
On the one hand, we regard the devotion to farming as the due duty for farmers, but on the other, we used to envy the citizens for their cultured life.
But an excellent hospital is going to be built in our village, so we will also enjoy along in good health, and when thinking of this, I feel as if in a dream.
I could not get to sleep when envisioning the rosy future when we can also lead the same cultured life as citizens with the completion of the building of the modern public health facility and the leisure complex.
Words can’t express how excited and grateful we are for the loving care of the respected General Secretary who sees through our innermost feelings and desires.
As envisioning a dreamy and cultured future, I am determined now to devote my conscience and patriotic efforts to farming as befits a master of country’s grain production.
Kim Song Jin, farmer of Workteam No.1 of the Undok Vegetable Farm in Kusong City
Party Solves Our Problem
Even now I vividly remember the day when the inaugural ceremony of regional-industry factories in our native place took place with splendor.
That day a lot of people were very pleasant picturing their new life and new happiness. Among them were the employees of our commercial agency who were most excited.
In fact, our employees had worked hard to increase the variety of products by collecting edible herbs and medical plants, ascending and descending mountains and had worried about stockpiles of poor quality goods, before the regional-industry factories were built.
So, an employee gave up her job and left our commercial agency.
But, that day when we went round the new factories, all of our agency could not express their delight as their problem was solved by our Party.
Indeed, our respected General Secretary
All the employees of our commercial agency are full of determination to dedicate our wisdom and ardor to the work for making the benevolence of the respected General Secretary reach the life of our rural people by organizing the commodity supply accurately.
Manager of the Kumya County Commercial Agency Kim Jong Ok
Growing Zeal for Repayment
Scores of days have passed since the wonderful regional-industrial factories were built in our county thanks to the benevolence of the motherly Party. But the excitement of that day is still left in our hearts.
I remember the people who were stroking down the products of the factories.
I can also visualize the bigger smile the products of the factories will bring to the people in our county.
Yesterday, the victims of the flood received new houses, incomparably better than the former ones.
And today, we, mountain folks, come to use products no worse than those of the capital city.
Indeed, the ever-growing happiness moves me to tears.
Aged as I am, I am full of ardent zeal to work to the best of my ability to repay the benevolence of the Party and the state.
It is the growing aspiration of not only me but also all the other people in our county to repay the great benevolence of the respected General Secretary which gets bigger day by day.
Ri Hye Ok, Resident in Neighborhood Unit No. 53 of Township of Tongsin County, Jagang Province