Economy 2025.3.3.
The working class of the Pukchang Area Youth Coal-Mining Complex increase coal production registering great production results.
Officials and colliers of different coal mines have turned out for the campaign to attain the coal production goal for this year.
In particular, the Namdok Youth Coal Mine, which takes the lion’s share of the coal production of the complex, registers the highest results every day.
Colliers of the Pit No.2, Youth Pit and Pit No.9 take the lead in the production. They have increased the output by over 1.5 times as compared with the same period of last year by managing coal faces well.
Those of the Inpho Youth Coal Mine also register the highest production record by raising mining rate.
Meanwhile, those of the Hoean Coal Mine and the Phunggok Youth Coal Mine pool their creative wisdom and efforts to over-fulfill the daily plans.
The Pukchang Coal-mining Machine Factory and other supply units introduce several valuable technical innovations and exploit internal reserves to the maximum to improve the quality and quantity of products.
Rodong Sinmun