Economy 2025.2.25.
More Electricity Produced
The Pukchang Thermal Power Complex, a leading power production base of the country, has brought about an unprecedented upsurge in power production.
True to the intention of the Workers’ Party of Korea of boosting the production, workers of the complex make signal successes by producing hundreds of thousands of more kWh of electricity than scheduled every day in February, too, following January.
The Party committee of the complex concentrates on broadcasting, visual and artistic agitation to further enhance the fighting spirit of the producers, thus making every workplace raise a fierce wind of a leap forward.
The staff of the complex is conducting operations and command in a responsible manner to raise the operation rate of the machines, and boosting the inter-process ties so as to normalize the power production on a high level.
Engineers, operators and drivers in the management field including the youth workshop and workshop No. 5 have put spurs to operating the generating equipment in a sci-tech way and increasing the number of work-days per machine, thus over-fulfilling their daily power production plans.
Similar successes have been made in other workshops.
Meanwhile, officials and workers in the supply sector including the steel casting shop and repair and maintenance shop are devoting themselves day and night to fully provide parts and materials needed for repairing generating equipment such as steel balls, welding rods and screws.
Their High Production Goal Attained without Fail
The officials and colliers of the Sunchon Area Youth Coal-mining Complex, who are all-out to increase production, bring about great production upswings in every coal face.
Every day, they achieve the coal production goal, which were set high, through bold campaigns for increased production.
All the coal-mining units of the February 8 Jikdong Youth Coal Mine actively introduce advanced mining methods and manage coal pits in a responsible manner, thereby surely guaranteeing the prospective production as well as the current one.
The tunneling units conduct a vigorous high-speed tunneling movement and thus secure plenty of reserve coal pits.
Those of the coal-mining units at the Chonsong Youth Coal Mine achieve great production results day after day, with a high sense of responsibility that they are defenders of the outpost of the self-supporting economy and by fully displaying the collectivist spirit of shifts helping one another.
Its tunneling units greatly expand the tunneling successes by boldly adopting effective blasting methods and promptly disposing of the muck.
Suit is followed by the Ryongdae Youth Coal Mine.
10-odd Units Complete Yearly Timber Production Plan
Officials and working people in the forestry sector bring about upsurge in production.
According to the amassed data, more than ten units of the Ministry of Forestry completed the yearly timber production plan.
Different units of the Ryanggang provincial forestry management bureau increased the operation rate of equipment to the maximum and appropriately combined rational transportation methods to step up production.
The officials properly allotted manpower and the transportation means and gave precedence to timber-felling.
The workers pooled their efforts and wisdom to apply efficient working methods and displayed the might of collectivism to achieve high results every day.
The timber production units of the South Hamgyong provincial forestry management bureau made thorough preparations for winter timber production, conducted socialist emulation in a dynamic way and actively launched technical innovation movement for production growth, thus increasing timber-felling per hour a great deal.
The Sinhung Mine Timber Production Station, in particular, increased the proportion of transportation by cableway and thus overfulfilled the plans while economizing manpower and fuel.
Other timber production stations put spurs to production by adopting suitable and effective working methods and displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance.
Rodong Sinmun