Sinphyong Kumgang Scenic Spot
Sangphal Pools of Mt Kumgang
Mt Okryon
Sangwon Valley and Manphok Valley in Mt Myohyang
Chonju Falls at Puyon-ri, Natural Monument
Chongsokjong, Scenic Beauty of Korean East Sea
Pohyon Temple in Mt Myohyang
World-famous Mt Kumgang
Area of Mt. Chilbo in DPRK, One of World Network of Biosphere Reserves
Mt Myohyang Area, World Network of Biosphere Reserves
Natural Monument-Son Rock at Myonggan
Monggumpho, Scenic Spot on West Sea Coast
Rimyongsu Falls, Natural Monument
Progenitor Apple Tree, Living Monument
Chongdo Sea Cave, Natural Monument
Mt Kumgang, World Famous Scenic Spot