Sep. 7,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s Revolutionary Activities


Hundreds of modern low- and single-storied and terraced dwelling houses have been built at the Ryongsin Farm in Hamhung City, South Hamgyong Province, the DPRK.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received a floral basket from Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and president of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, on the occasion of the 76th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received a floral basket from Mahmoud Abbas, president of the State of Palestine, on Sept. 4 to mark the 76th founding anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


Various economic sectors and units in the DPRK fulfilled their national economic plans for August, through a vigorous drive to achieve significant successes in 2024.
Officials and workers of the Chongjin Railway Bureau make collective innovation in transportation of the major freight by fulfilling the daily plan by 104 percent.
Officials and workers at the Komdok Mining Complex in the DPRK are conducting a brisk socialist emulation campaign for winning the titles of 500-meter tunnelling workteam of loyalty and 100 000-ton mining workteam of loyalty.
Ryanggang Province has gathered hundreds of tons of blueberry as of now.

