Jul. 27,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
South Hwanghae Province Strives to Raise Per-hectare Yield in Farming

Economy 2023.3.17.

South Hwanghae Province of the DPRK strives to raise the per-hectare yield of dry-field rice.

The provincial Party committee has aroused the agricultural workers to the implementation of the Party’s agricultural policy, implanting in their mind the importance of dry-field rice farming.

Officials of the provincial rural economy committee are intensifying the farming operations to raise the per-hectare yield of dry-field rice.

The province has directed efforts to increasing the area under cultivation of dry-field rice strains with high yield. While paying attention to distributing rice strains according to geographical features in liaison with the relevant organs, it takes various steps in a predictable way to ensure effective weeding, an important process in dry-field rice farming.

Meanwhile, the work to raise the rate of mechanization in dry-field rice farming goes on and the experience gained by farms in increasing the per-hectare yield in dry-field rice farming is popularized.

Rodong Sinmun