Oct. 18, 2024 Friday  
Rodong Sinmun
KCNA’s Detailed Report on Main Completion of Irrigation Construction Target for This Year

Politics 2023.6.9.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released a detailed report on Wednesday as regards the fact that this year’s target for irrigation construction was mainly achieved, including the irrigation project for dry fields set forth at the 7th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

The report said that the projects for establishing irrigation system in more than 200 000 hectares of paddy and dry fields, dredging small and medium rivers, desalting Lake Kangryong and perpetuating tide embankments scheduled this year according to the resolutions of the 7th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK were completed in the main, thus making a stride forward in the realization of irrigation in the rural economy.

In a little more than two months, the repair of irrigation waterways was conducted in over 24 000-km-long sections, the construction of underground water facilities and the expansion of their capacity were carried out in more than 12 000 spots, 1 500-odd irrigation facilities were built or repaired, lying of more than 2 400-km-long pipes for the irrigation of dry fields was completed and at least 3 000 pumping stations were newly built.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clearly indicated the tasks for effectively pushing forward the irrigation projects, including the issue of working out a plan for reinforcing the overall irrigation system of the country on an annual basis, the issue of giving priority to the construction of areas frequently affected by drought and flooding and the issue of dredging small and medium rivers, repairing embankments and building tide embankments in a qualitative way.

A nationwide campaign was launched to attain this year’s goal of irrigation construction set forth at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee ahead of schedule.

The command groups and the promotion groups for irrigation construction were organized in the capital, provinces, cities and counties and measures were taken to restore and readjust irrigation facilities and further expand the irrigation areas under the unified control and command of the central command group for irrigation construction.

Equipment and materials needed for establishing irrigation and drainage systems were supplied to the water-short areas and flood-hit areas designated as priority projects and demonstrations related to irrigation project for dry field were given in South Hwanghae Province and other provinces.

Servicepersons and working people across the country have carried out irrigation projects at a lightning tempo through the coordinated operation of the army and people.

Thanks to the devoted efforts of the builders across the country, the construction of pumping stations, pipe lying, the projects for waterways and irrigation structures, underground water facilities and expansion of their capacity planned for this year were completed in a little more than two months.

The Korean People’s Army fully displayed its indomitable spirit of advance and the might of the army-people coordinated operation in the struggle to attain this year’s goal for irrigation project including the construction of tide embankments, the project for desalting Lake Kangryong and the dredging of small and medium rivers.

This year, joint innovations were made in the work to supply sufficient equipment and materials needed for irrigation construction.

The Cabinet, the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry, the Ministry of Machine-building Industry, the Ministry of Construction and Building-Materials Industry and other relevant sectors and units have fulfilled their responsibilities and roles to preferentially and qualitatively produce and supply materials and equipment needed for irrigation projects.

Amid a nationwide interest for the work of increasing capabilities of relevant industrial establishments for the present irrigation construction as well as the future irrigation projects and maintenance, the Phyongsong, Haeju and other irrigation machine factories boosted production to fully supply water pumps, accessories and materials needed for accelerating the irrigation projects in their regions.

Workers in the fields of railway transport and land and marine transport waged a vigorous campaign for increased transport to carry the planned freights to the construction sites with a blitz.

Many families of servicemen had worked in the same trench with their husbands, and numbers of working people conducted vigorous agitations for increased production and assisted servicemen with all sincerity.

The report said that the radical change made in the drive for creation for pushing forward the gigantic cause of the socialist rural construction clearly proves the validity and vitality of the agricultural policy of our Party which put forward the completion of the irrigation system as a key state important affair for the rural development, and further hardens the belief that only greater victories and miracles will be in store for the DPRK people advancing under the guidance of the great Party Central Committee.

Rodong Sinmun