Sep. 8,Juche 113 (2024) Sunday  
Rodong Sinmun
Gifts of WPK Central Committee Conveyed to Participants in 5th National Conference of Mothers

Politics 2023.12.7.

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The venue of the 5th National Conference of Mothers was seething with benevolent love for mothers who reliably support the new era of a powerful country with ardent patriotism, loyalty and maternal affection following the great Workers’ Party of Korea.

The great Party Central Committee, which immensely adds luster to the noble outlook on life and beautiful life of mothers who are ordinary, humble but the strongest and showers them with all glory and happiness in this world, provided significant gifts for the participants in the conference.

A meeting of conveying the gifts took place on Dec. 5.

Present there were Ri Il Hwan, Kim Jae Ryong and Pak Thae Song, members of the Political Bureau and secretaries of the WPK Central Committee, Ri Tu Song, department director of the WPK Central Committee, officials concerned and participants in the conference.

Ri Il Hwan made an address for conveying the gifts.

He warmly congratulated all the participants on receiving great honor under the warm care of the benevolent father who placed them on the highest peak of love and respect.

He referred to the fact that the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made sure that the kind and number of gifts are chosen suited to their tastes, considerate of the fact that the participants are daughters-in-law, wives and mothers of families and that the preparations were made as the work of the Party Central Committee.

He pointed out that the gifts are associated with the meticulous paternal affection of Kim Jong Un, who wants to put forward the utterly sincere and grateful mothers who display excellent virtues and traits for their families and country and add valor and vitality to society before their husbands and children, neighbors and the collective.

It is the boundless pride and great strength of all sons and daughters to have such good mothers who bring into bloom the flower of harmony and happiness of the whole country with the mind of taking the lead in opening up a broad avenue to communism just like they open the dawn gate of their families, he stressed.

Saying that the Party expressed firm belief that mothers will firmly carry forward the baton of revolution, the baton of the dignified powerful country, the speaker requested all of them in good health to fulfill their honorable and noble mission on the road of loyalty and patriotism to glorify the great era of Kim Jong Un.

Then the descriptions of gifts were conveyed amid warm emotion and ardent cheers of the participants.

The venue was full of voices of gratitude of mothers in tears to the great benevolence of Kim Jong Un, who repeatedly shows all loving care and solicitude for ordinary women while putting forward them, who discharged their duty as mothers, as the pride of the Party and the state.

All the participants made a firm pledge to add eternal luster to the noble call of the most lofty and beautiful mothers of Korea, communist mothers, in the sacred struggle for achieving the victory of Korean-style socialism and bringing a rosy future of a thriving nation by upholding with one mind the revolutionary idea and intention of the great Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Rodong Sinmun