Oct. 22, 2024 Tuesday  
Rodong Sinmun
Prosperous Era

Politics 2023.5.31.

Today’s era which the whole people of the country are admiring and praising is one of prosperity brought about by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un with love for people as his natural disposition.

At the historic Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) the respected General Secretary stressed that by concentrating efforts on the construction of 50 000 flats in Pyongyang, the construction field should set the annual plans for building 10 000 flats every year, scrupulously organize the construction operation and guidance for implementing the plans and thus basically settle the issue of dwelling houses for the Pyongyang citizens.

Though the facing difficulties are severe, the housing construction greatly favored by the people should be put forward without fail!

Only progress and creation should be in store on the road for the people’s well-being!

This is the unshakable faith of our respected General Secretary.

The General Secretary personally named "Ryomyong Street" and ensured that it was built as a model one impeccable in the aspects of architectural beauty and formative art, after guiding more than 1 390 designs. And he proposed the construction of Mirae Scientists Street and guided 590-odd designs for it.

Thanks to the loving care of the great fatherly leader the ideal streets of the people including Unha Scientists Street and Songhwa Street were built successively.

Amid the tensed military operation to smash the vicious maneuvers and threats of hostile forces and during the anti-epidemic campaign to defend precious lives of people the General Secretary paid deep attention to the first stage housing construction in Hwasong area all the time.

Indeed, the new streets splendidly built on this land are creations of era born by unlimited enthusiasm and outstanding leadership of the respected General Secretary.

At the 4th plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK the General Secretary clarified the goal of socialist rural construction and the major task, calling for putting the country’s agriculture on a definite upward stage and opening up a new great era of effecting drastic development of our style socialist countryside by pushing forward with the rural development under the uplifted slogan of "For New Victory of Socialist Rural Construction!"

The respected General Secretary devoted great efforts to rural housing construction.

The General Secretary, stressing repeatedly that the design of rural houses should be preceded before construction of them, ensured that the designs of rural dwellings retaining the regional characteristics and showing modern civilization were provided.

Thanks to the wise step taken by the General Secretary the modern designs of rural dwellings were introduced to the rural housing construction.

The energetic leadership of the General Secretary ensured that the innovative entity of the new era was built on this land to declare the development of socialist countryside.

A lot of rural villages across the country were face-lifted and many agricultural workers have moved into new houses.

Thus, the capital city of Pyongyang undergoes a great change and so the socialist countryside does.

The present era is the honorable one in which the epoch-making innovation and miracles are achieved through the vigorous struggle under the wise leadership of the great Party.

Our people will sing forever the immortal exploits of the General Secretary who brought about such happiness and honor of today.

Rodong Sinmun