Jul. 27,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Posters Arousing Young Vanguard Produced

Culture 2023.3.18.

The Workers’ Party of Korea Publishing House and the Mansudae Art Studio produced posters to powerfully arouse young vanguard to work new miracles and perform feats in the construction of new street in the Sopho area of Pyongyang in hearty response to the Party’s call.

The poster "Young People, Let Us Repay with Loyalty the Great Trust of the Party Central Committee!" reflects the revolutionary spirit and enthusiasm of young people across the country for successfully building the symbol of development and future of socialism in the northern gateway to Pyongyang, true to the trust of the Party Central Committee which entrusted the task for new street construction project to the youth.

The posters reflect the firm will of the young builders to give full play to the spirit of the Paektusan hero youth in the grand worksite of loyalty true to the intention of the Party Central Committee.

Another poster shows the loyalty of the young vanguard to successfully build the ideal street of people in Pyongyang and make a report on victory to the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un by carrying forward the proud history and tradition of preceding generations who responded to the call of the Party with their hearts.

Rodong Sinmun