Jul. 27,Juche 113 (2024) Saturday  
Rodong Sinmun
Navy Veteran Has a Rest in Rest Centre for Airmen

Politics 2023.3.18.

It was one May day.

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un, who sat up all night doing office work, asked an official about the condition of a navy veteran who was hospitalized.

Listening to his answer, the General Secretary told him to make a correct diagnosis of the veteran’s illness again, and he let him bring the veteran from hospital, saying that he would feel easy to meet the veteran that day.

When the veteran arrived after a while, the General Secretary said in hoarse voice why his body got emaciated like that.

He warmly grasped hands of the veteran sobbing and learned in detail about his condition.

After listening to his reply, the General Secretary stressed the need for the veteran to receive diagnosis correctly again from a doctor, adding that he should survive an illness with confidence for working with him.

The veteran again was moved to tears while hearing his saying with great trust and love.

Two months later, the General Secretary met him who had been discharged from the hospital and said that he should have a rest as he had a long hospital life, telling that he had to do a lot of work and could make a revolution only with good health.

Adding that as the recreation for pilots would be started from August 1, he said that he planned to send the veteran and his family to a rest centre with them.

Thus, he and his wife spent enjoyable and happy recreation days with pilots at the rest centre for airmen situated in a scenic shore of the East Sea.

Blessed are lives of our revolutionary soldiers enjoying themselves under the benevolent care of the General Secretary.

Rodong Sinmun